Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Do I Need a Realtor to Purchase a Newly-Constructed Home?

questionwords wide Do I Need a Realtor to Purchase a Newly Constructed Home?
Buying new construction can be very complicated and I definitely recommend that you hire a Realtor that is experienced in helping clients buy new construction. Depending on what stage of construction (if any) the new home is at when you find it, there are so many factors to take in consideration. Even if you are not a first-time homebuyer (but particularly if you are), you should want an experienced Realtor giving you professional expert advice. 

There are things that I do for my clients that you might not, which could save (or cost you) thousands of dollars down the road. Just a few examples would be having a first home inspection after the building is framed but before the walls and flooring are finished, so that your home inspector can get a good look at the structure, framing, plumbing, electrical, etc. Home inspectors are more skilled then city/town inspectors, so you can’t just rely on a closed building permit. Or I might recommend that when the house is being built to include another heat zone for the basement or a walk-up attic, if you know your family may be expanding.

Lastly, you didn’t ask but I highly recommend that you have a real estate attorney look through and help negotiate the contract to purchase and/or purchase & sale agreement. The standard forms builders use and the specification (“spec”) sheet included are usually vague and not comprehensive enough to cover all the details, and in buying new construction, the devil really is in the details. Which underscores why I recommend you have a real estate attorney and myself in the purchase of a Newly constructed home.

Looking forward to doing business with you.
Thanks David Kres for the information.

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